Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baby - Justin Bieber

So, I know alot of people are tired of getting on Twitter and seeing Justin Bieber as a Trending Topic. BUT the kid is good. I'm not scared to say that I support him lol. He is a cutie, and he has steez. He and Luda did a goood. AND Justin can DANCE. I think i'm diggin this kid a little bit more.

Who's in this video? -> Jasmine V. (Playing lead girl), Drake, Lil Twist, The Rangers, and Mario C.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Johnny BOY... O_o

Well here we have Johnny Boy. The dude that acts like Chris Crocker. This dude just knows he's a FEMALE. I mean I don't have a problem with it...but sheesh...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Twitter drama and @LilTuneChi

Okay, all of this TWITTER drama must come to a complete end. #ImJustSayin. Like people on Twitter GO HAM. Like, really when was it that serious? NEVER. Anyways [ahahahaha]. Twitter has a new member. DWAYNE MICHAEL CARTER! HE IS @LILTUNECHI <--. Alot of people were going "WTF IS A LIL TUNE CHI?" His old stage name from the Hot Boyz. He went wayyy back on that. He made the account 8 days before bouncing for a year. He and Lil Twist had ustream locked down....HE ALSO CLEARED UP THE SNL AKA SHANELL BEING PREGNANT BY HIM RUMOR....she is NOT pregnant by him...she's not even pregnant...gosh these websites! Well, Mr. Carter is @Liltunechi and got over 3 thousand followers in less than 30 minutes...Soulja Boy better look out.

This is what that isn't.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

THREE year old CRYING over Justin Bieber

Okay so, Cody [the THREE year old] broke down about three days ago...why? BECAUSE SHE CAN'T SEE JUSTIN BIEBER EVERYDAY! OHHH my LORD. I thought my friend was playing when she first told me about it, I checked my Twitter and that was the only thing people were talking about. She was CRYING like her mom beat her...REAL TALK. Justin has the babies going crazy. Funny how her sister was holding her - not making it any better....C'MON now. Her mom was trying to explain to her that it wasn't that serious...NAH it was serious to little Cody. Real serious. I'm still stuck on "3" and crying over Justin Bieber. The kid is a cutie but sheesh! I'm 17 and I don't cry over Chris Brown. [I get mad, I DO NOT CRY]...what yall think?

SN: Did yall see how she started trippin out at the end... o_O

Thursday, February 4, 2010

- I'm back!

So, what's going on? I know i've been gone for a minute, school started, dance class started, and i'm trying to get my ACTING on :) -Twitter has been poppin, thanks to #ChrisBrownOnUstream. Chris has a new mixtape coming out on Valentine's Day! Some of the songs, well all of them show Chris Brown's wild, "GROWN MAN" style. He "Invented Head" - call him the Cookie Monster :)

Touch your Kitty Kat?

Yeah so the Grammys came on...I thought It was good, could of been better. Seeing the MJ Tribute, and his beautiful children Prince and Paris accept his award made me cry. -Lady Gaga was like AHHH AH AH AHHH. With Elton. Bey did what Bey does. Pink's performance was OFF THE CHAIN! | Drake, Em, and Wayne did good. The person in charge of BLEEPING did their job that night!

[well i'm off now].

Final Draft...have you heard of them? If you haven't go to their myspace and check them out; I'm inlove with them!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Sooo happy New Years you guys! I hope everybody had a safe and blessed one. 2010, the same me, just a year older, smarter, and wiser. So, the whole "I'm changing" thing...NOT even going to say that. I'M GONNA BE ME :)

Why does the dude that rides in the backseat of his homies car try to holla? SERIOUSLY. Stop it scrub.

I'm really going to enjoy this year!

& follow @ATLSmallChange please and thank you :)

-Have a blessed one!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Drama... Baby mama.

So who remembers Nik from ANTM? The pretty one from Atlanta. Yeah her. Well she gave birth to a baby boy fathered by Braylon Edwards. Nik gave birth in Georgia.... So Braylon came down here (to georgia) to be recognized as the childs father... And things didn't go as planned. Money is the motive!!! Nik moved to New York back in November ( Braylon got traded to the jets) . I really don't want to say it's $$$, but then again females do this all the time. Step your stuff up ma! Babies for money is not the way to go. These dudes need to watch what they're doing.. And who they're doing.